本會於2022-2025年度選出以下會員為本會新一屆理事及委員. 本會現屆主席是蔣白浪先生、副主席是張宇靈先生, 理事及委員成員: 劉佩蓉女士、張錦昭先生、區志堅博士、

活動 Events
HKAS organizes events including Open Day, Chat with Archaeologist, and co-operate with other organizations and museums.

教育 Education
HKAS organizes different courses for public education including courses, workshop, seminars, and field trips, etc.

出版 Publish
HKAS publishes the ”Journal of Hong Kong Archaeological Society” and archaeological excavation reports from time to time.

To promote archaeology, to study archaeology as well as to protect archaeological relics and sites.
About Hong Kong Archaeological Soceity
The Hong Kong Archaeological Society (HKAS) was established in 21 March 1967, with the aim to promote archeology, to study archeology and protection of archaeological artifacts and sites. HKAS has more than three hundred and fifty registered members. The first president of HKAS was Sir David Trench, Governor of Hong Kong, and the second president was Sir Kenneth Fung Ping-fan. The first Chairman of the HKAS Committee was Dr. S. G. David.
HKAS publishes the ”Journal of Hong Kong Archaeological Society” and archaeological excavation reports from time to time. From Volume 1 which was published in 1968, the journal has reached Volume 17, and is the sole archaeological publication in Hong Kong. The Library of the University of Hong Kong digitalised the journals and monographs for HKAS, and they are make available in the University Library System.
委員會 | The Committee
2019-2022 委員會成員 | The Committee Members of 2019-2022
入會申請 | Join Us
申請表格 | Application Form

Hong Kong Archaeological Soceity 香港考古學會
香港, 九龍 旺角, 彌敦道 737-741C, 金輪大廈 8A室
Rm.8A, Kingsland Apartments, 737-741C, Nathan Road, Mongkok Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Email: hkarch1967@yahoo.com.hk
Hotline: (+852) 4611 2393
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Copyright © 2021 香港考古學會 Hong Kong Archaeological Society